Monday, January 21, 2008

Adventour Gets tough!

For the last one week i have been travelling like crazy,doing more than 200 Kms in a day.It started on Tuesday morning when i jumped on to the bus to Lira.This has been my second time in Lira,i wasnot so anxious about getting there like the first trip.Lira was good,i met very enthusiatic solar dealer who made me feel that i am actually a messiah to his business.

Friday 18 Jan 2008,at 6 am i hit the road to get the next bus to Arua,Just like any unfamiliar destination i couldnot wait to get there.First i boarded a very small car (Corona) coz i wanted to get there fast only to notce that it can actually take the number of people that fit in a matatu!Oh my we were already 5 on the back seat but the driver was saying push up,Mwesikemu or Mwegyelane in Kinyarwanda so that he can fix more people.THat was it for me i had to go for the bus.

The bus dropped me in Karuma at 7:30 am and i had to wait for another one to Arua.The bus took long to come but finally it arrived.Believe me ladies jumped into the bus before it stopped,mean while the gentle me was waiting for it to stop only to realise that it doesnot stop.I ran after it thanks to my long legs i got in.

It took us 5 hours to Arua,by that time it felt like i have been racing with Inzikuru.Every part of my body was aching(not every part sorry!) and i was starving,you know what i did next.

AFter i checked in at california Hotel,its a very nice rooms,spacious and clean,the only issue was that the cooks are only good at cooking chips and chicken.

Arua is a very busy town due to its proximity to southern sudan.It has so many sudanese people and the natives(Lugbara's).Sudanese are tall and dark and if you know me tall and dark can best suit my appearance.The ironical part is that i am actually more brown than them,which led to the people refering to me as Brown sudanese which i got used to and the power rationing!

5:00 am monday morning,actually today am in abus heading to Masindi.I had to be dropped off at Kagitumba and then proceed to Masindi.

Now i am in Masindi,i have finished official business and now hanging out on the internet.Oooh i forgot to tell you this i got into an argument with the boss of the hotel where i am staying.Imagine he tells me i cant use my laptop coz power is very expensive.But i thought i had paid him.He insists that i only paid for accomodation nothing more,nothing less.I cant even shower twice in a day.

But dont you worry i have alread showered and wont need to shower till i get back to Kampala.No need to hold your breath for my neighbours in the bus!

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