Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quiz nite

Well two weeks back i attended a quiz night at Irish pub in Kampala.It was a great night but in the start i felt so out of place because i was almost the only black person in the house.

After downing a cold bell lager i go in the mood and it was the same time when the quiz started.Our group is called TEHENDE which is close to swahili word meaning lets go!I did not have much to contribute in the quiz coz all the questions where from planet Mars (they had never crossed my mind).We had a range of questions in various categories from geography, movies, musicals among others. My team mates answered all the questions until they asked which countries in Africa start with the letter M,this was my time to shine, i asked every one to leave this questions which i crushed maliciously showing them the African in me!

As the night went by we emerged winners and got a carton of castle lagers and T-shirts. Please dont stop reading thinking that i have just emptied 6 beers because we will be taking the beers today.So to put it straight i am not under the influence of castle lagers while writing this post.

Today at 6 pm, the whole TEHENDE team will be meeting in bugolobi to finalize the questions that will be asked on Thursday.Usually the winning team comes up with the questions.I have got the best team which has creative and diverse minds. Contrary to lat time's quiz,this time we have interesting categories like Africa,so that Ugandans are not left out and the other category i am looking forward to is Sex and World leaders among others.......

Do you feel the creativity and diversity in this quiz night...just in case you are in Kampala,join us this Thursday at Irish pub as we give participants a run for their beers and brain work!

Will give you updates on my findings on whether there is a corelation between world leaders,sex and beers.......


Saturday, June 21, 2008


Fire fighting, beating deadlines, persistence and going home late have been the highlights of this week.

It's half year now and i have to submit my report by Monday next week and i still have pendings.
The people who are supposed to give me information for my report have been very slow or its me who has been slow.I have learnt that i have to take 100% personal responsibility for whatever happens so i wont blame any one apart from me.

AIESEC has become my middle name.Just when i thought i can peacefully head for the future,these days i have been involved in almost all the AIESEC UG activities from Planning conference preparation to AFrican YEs launch among others......Why does AIESEC keep following me? I ask myself this question but i know the answer its because i am AIESEC!.

Aha now i told you that i was still a student,my supervisor is no where to be seen.i have sent him emails, sms and called him but all in vain.Deadline for handing in research is 30 th June.What should i do...........keep sending him more Sms', emails and endless calling.Its called persistence!