Friday, July 4, 2008

Am older and wiser now.

Yesterday was my birth day... Happy birth to me. I am now 24 years of age... Ahaa quite old now.

Thanks to God that i am still alive, Its been 24 years of learning, unlearning and discovering who i m truelly are. Looking back in time i should say my life has been good,exciting,happy, sad and adventurous. I have managed to achieve quite many things but most importantly are the people's lives that have changed through being with or sharing my experiences with them and learning from them.

Every single day of these 24 years has presented me with opportunities to learn and be a change agent. Though i still have a long way to go but i am confident that i have taken the first step. Before my 24th birth day i have been able to finalize my research project which has been one big hindrance to my graduation. Through the experience of researching i have come to believe that everything happens for a reason because contrary to what every student's comments on research i have learnt more than ever and had fun because i researched on a topic that i liked and i believe i did a unique research.

I have had ups and downs but these are every where and there are just wake up calls, but i have taken them to be warning signals on what could happen if i do not take action. More than ever i trust my gut feelings and try to follow them. I have learnt to appreciate nature and people and most importantly believe in myself.

To the people who have seen me grow to this level i thank you very much (My dad and Mum), to those who have been guides in my life,keep it up and to those who have walked thin lines side by side with me, words will never describe how grateful i am for being there for me. I cannot write your names here but just to let you know you have a special place in my heart.

So i dedicate this post to you the special ones in my life!

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