Its 7:15 am still in the bed contemplating whether to get out of bed coz its really cold up in here, All of a sudden my phone goes off and to find that Amri is already waiting for me at great lakes where we are supposed to meet before we leave for cyangugu.
We delayed booking so we missed the comfortable bus and then we opted for a matutu where we had to be packed 4 people per seat and I was complaining until I was told that its really handy for people to seat 4 especially for the cyangugu trip.
7.45 the matutu leaves the park and we head to cyangugu thru kamonyi,gitarama.Before we reached Butare town city we branched of to the way that takes us thru gikongoro to cyangugu.
On our way 3 ladies boarded and they carried polythene bags and lemon which I later learnt that they could prevent them from throwing up because the road has many corners. It’s a 6 hours drive from Kigali to cyangugu Passed thru nyungwe forest the weather changed there and then, it’s a one and a half hours drive to the next town. The road through the forest has so many corners that makes you thin that the car will loose balance and fall off easily.At around 2 pm we had reached the city center called kamembe, a very busy center with so many commercial activities going on.
The Host.
On arrival we passed via Amri’s grand ma,s place where I tasted true Rwandese food that’s the Bugali and small fish mixed with G nuts, also had Ugali from Burundi called Rowe(really tasty and sweet, it can replace Bread).We then headed to Amris brother where I later came to learn that it was going to be my new home for the next 3-4 days. It was a really cool place I felt like home because I was eating well cooked food not the hotel type and at least had options for what to eat.
It felt being part of family life where you have people taking good care of you, I mean you eating nice, boiling water for you to shower and sleeping in a mosquito net you know it doesn’t get better than this.
More excitement came as I had a one on one with a pretty chic, we discussed various topics ranging from world issues like civil wars to technology shaping the world and we ended up in a heated religious argument and the climax of the day was the MUSLIM Wedding that we gate crashed in……………
Weekend at the shores of Lake Kivu.
From kamembe city center (cyangugu), it takes you about 10 Minutes to the DRC border on a motto (bike).That was the first place we went to, took some cool pictures in the boats which were being manned by ladies, who offered to give us a boat ride but I was so scared of my safety.Our next stop was Lake Kivu; the cool breeze welcomes you as you get close to the shores. The scenery there is breath taking, the water, island view and terrain are worthy for tourists, couples and families on vacation.
My stay at the lake was so rejuvenating I felt like I was in my wonderland, chilling listening to the sounds of the water as it hits the rocks, watching birds swim and sipping a cold “fanta”.I had a wonderful time and on Sunday I decide to stay home watching movies till 1 am.
Monday was time to leave for Kigali.In Kigali imagine I got sick of malaria even after sleeping in a mosquito net but TIA…………
catch da next post!
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